Future of Energy Forum

November 13 - 15, 2024

Tulane’s Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life
New Orleans, Louisiana

Be part of the conversation that shapes our collective energy future!

Join us at Tulane University November 13-15 for a pivotal gathering of thought leaders and experts for an interdisciplinary collaboration that will drive transformative change in the energy sector.

About the Future of Energy Forum

Future of Energy Forum logo.

As society confronts the challenge of meeting the escalating global demand for energy while moving towards a lower-carbon future, collaboration across sectors is more critical than ever before. The Future of Energy Forum at Tulane University will serve as a connector and catalyst for this collaboration – convening leaders in business, academia, government, and nonprofits from around the world to come together and engage in critical discussions about the future of energy. Throughout the forum, speakers and attendees will explore innovative strategies and solutions for bridging the gap between traditional energy resources and an increasingly diversified mix of renewable sources. From cutting-edge technologies to policy frameworks, from investment strategies to consumer behavior, our discussions will span the spectrum of the future of energy.

2024 Theme: Can Energy Pragmatism Secure Our Energy Future?

Energy is crucial to power economic growth, secure a basic standard of living for a growing global population, and pursue prosperity across global societies. Tulane University’s 2024 Future of Energy Forum will convene an interdisciplinary conversation between thought leaders from politics, business, the sciences, civil society, and leading researchers on how to build the energy systems of the future.

The energy systems of the future will combine offshore wind with carbon sequestration, hydrogen with carbon-free electricity, and LNG as a critical stabilizer of geo-political conflict. The Future of Energy Forum will ask how far such energy pragmatism can go to secure the energy future and where it can become more responsive to the demands of an increasingly weary global public.


Event highlights

  • Engage with high-caliber speakers and influential policymakers.

  • Explore cutting-edge research and innovative energy solutions.

  • Network with top executives and key decision-makers from across the energy sector.

  • Deliberate on strategies to enhance energy security, sustainability, and equity.

Registration and additional program details will be available in late summer. 

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