Jim Blackburn

Professor in the Practice of Environmental Law and co-director, SSPEED Center, Rice University

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Close-up headshot of a man, focusing on his facial features and expression, with a neutral background softly blurred behind her.


Jim Blackburn is an environmental lawyer, a Rice faculty scholar at the Baker Institute and Co-Director of the SSPEED Center. He authored The Book of Texas Bays in 2004 and A Texan Plan for the Texas Coast in 2017. Blackburn received the Distinguished Alumni Laureate Award from Rice University in 2018 the Good Egg Award from the International Crane Foundation for litigation to protect the endangered whooping crane in 2015. Blackburn was among the founders of the Trinity Edwards Springs Association (TESPA), a Texas Hill Country non-governmental organization dedicated to protecting springs and groundwater, and he also founded the Bayou City Initiative (BCI), a Houston-based NGO focused on community recovery and long-term flood protection post-Harvey.